Why do we need a blog?

WHY DO WE HAVE A BLOG? Because we are passionate about what we do and we would like to share our thoughts, ideas and pictures, which are not exactly "suited" to our main website. We also are committed to providing inspirational content to our customers, as well as expert advice.


Monday 17 October 2011

Bio or Electric fire suite?

Which one would you prefer...? The fire on the left is a common electric fire suite, the one on the right is our CRETE model - a freestanding bio fire - for our needs here "a bio fireplace suite". We are so strongly convinced that our bio fires are beating the electric ones that we decided to throw some comparison photos from time to time and get you thinking. Just look - you are comparing a bit of an artificial glow to a real roaring flame. And the heat is pretty much the same - about 3KW. Looking at those two - we think that electric fires should really go bankrupt and bio fires should take over from now on. There. We've said it. :-)

all the info about CRETE, the sizes, prices and more pictures you can find on:

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